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WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140

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Post by Paul Sat 27 Jan 2024, 9:03 am

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC...  thread .

    Page 1 website thread

  • PG'S 121 - 123

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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2022 1:46 AM

    Irish Maths Test

    An Irishman wants a job, but the foreman won't hire him until he passes a little maths test.

    Here is your first question, the foreman said. "Without using numbers, represent the number 9."

    "Without numbers?" The Irishman says? "Dat is easy." And proceeds to draw three trees.

    "What's this?" the boss asks.

    "Have you ain't got no brain? Tree and tree plus tree makes 9" says the Irishman.

    "Fair enough," says the boss. "Here's your second question. Use the same rules, but this time the number is 99."

    The Irishman stares into space for a while, then picks up the picture that he has just drawn and makes a smudge on each tree... "Ere you go."

    The boss scratches his head and says, "How on earth do you get that to represent 99?"

    "Each of da trees is dirty now. So, it's dirty tree, and dirty tree, plus dirty tree. Dat makes 99."

    The boss is getting worried that he's going to actually have to hire this Irishman, so he says, "All right, last question. Same rules again, but represent the number 100."

    The Irishman stares into space some more, then he picks up the picture again and makes a little mark at the base of each tree and says, "Ere you go. One hundred."

    The boss looks at the attempt. "You must be nuts if you think that represents a hundred!"

    The Irishman leans forward and points to the marks at the base of each tree and whispers, "A little dog come along and poop by each tree. So now you got dirty tree and a turd, dirty tree and a turd, and dirty tree and a turd, which makes ONE HUNDRED!"

    The Irishman is now head of the company.


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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2022 1:52 AM

    Your Yearly Dementia Test ! (only 4 questions this year)

    Yep, it's that time of year again for us to take our annual senior citizen test.

    Exercise of the brain is as important as exercise of the muscles.
    As we grow older, it’s important to keep mentally alert.
    If you don’t use it, you will lose it !!!

    Here is a very private way to gauge how your memory compares to your last test.
    Some may think it is too easy, but the ones with memory problems may have difficulty.

    Take this test to determine if you’re losing it or not.

    The spaces below are so you don’t see the answers until you’ve answered.

    OK, RELAX, clear your mind and begin.

    #1. What do you put in a toaster ?

    Answer: 'bread.' If you said 'toast', just give up now and go do something else.

    And, try not to hurt yourself. If you said, bread, go to Question #2.

    # 2. Say 'silk' ten times. Now spell 'silk.' What do cows drink ?

    Answer: Cows drink water. If you said 'milk,' don't attempt the next question.

    Your brain is already over-stressed and may even overheat.

    Content yourself with reading more appropriate literature such as Women's Weekly or Auto World.

    However, if you did say 'water', proceed to Question #3.

    # 3. If a red house is made from red bricks and a blue house is made from blue bricks and a pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made from black bricks, what is a green house made from ?

    Answer: Greenhouses are made from glass.

    If you said 'green bricks', why are you still reading this ??? PLEASE, go lie down !

    But, if you said 'glass,' go on to Question #4.

    # 4. Please do not use a calculator for this for it would be cheating:

    You are driving a bus from New York City to Philadelphia.

    In Staten Island, 17 people got on the bus.

    In New Brunswick, 6 people get off the bus and 9 people get on.

    In Windsor, 2 people get off and 4 get on.

    In Trenton, 11 people get off and 16 people get on.

    In Bristol, 3 people get off and 5 people get on.

    And, in Camden, 6 people get off and 3 get on.

    You then arrive at Philadelphia Station.

    Without going back to review, how old is the bus driver ?

    Answer: Oh, for crying out loud !

    Don't you remember your own age?!?! It was YOU driving the bus!

    If you pass this along to your friends, and hope they do better than you.

    PS: 95% of people fail most of the questions!


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    30,519 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2022 3:19 AM

    One out of four for me .


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    30,519 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2022 3:22 AM

    My better half got two .


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    21,016 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2022 3:43 AM

    Got one right,

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote pdb1:
    #1. What do you put in a toaster ?

    because we put Toastbrot in the toaster:
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 5205-1619093100768
    It is untoasted white bread, sometimes (when bigger) called American Sandwich.
    "Milk" got me, "greenhouse" was lost in translation (Treibhaus here).
    I knew the last one wasn't about counting the passengers but missed the "you drive" part.


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    30,519 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2022 7:17 AM

    pollex - the innermost digit of a hand or foot .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e472uojlut7o0pae62p632726n434mtnk7ce0laemej&rid=giphy


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    30,519 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2022 7:20 AM

    Orts are the leftover snips of a  thread .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Th?id=OIP.Jvvp5BDwhqiwCPpQxLgHEQHaHa&w=160&h=160&rs=1&qlt=80&pid=3


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    25,124 Posts
    Thu, Jun 9 2022 10:52 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    pollex - the innermost digit of a hand or foot .

    Right .
    The innermost digit of a forelimb, especially the thumb in primates.


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    25,124 Posts
    Thu, Jun 9 2022 10:54 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    Orts are the leftover snips of a  thread .

    A scrap or remainder of food from a meal.


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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2022 2:40 AM

     10 players spent the entirety of the 2010s – January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2019 – in the top 100 in golf’s official world ranking.  Name them..

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    30,519 Posts
    [size=13][size=13][size=13][size=13][size=13][size=13]S[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]at, Jun 11 2022 2:41 AM

    Five players have finished in the top 5 in all four majors in a calendar year .
     Who are they?


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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2022 2:42 AM

    Three of Tiger Woods’ 15 major championship wins required a play-off..
    Name the three players Woods beat at extra holes in a major. .


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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2022 2:43 AM

    Which two Open venues on the current rota are the furthest apart as the crow flies?

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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2022 2:45 AM

    If you started at Augusta, then travelled as the crow flies to Bethpage Black, , then travelled as the crow flies to Pebble Beach,  then travelled as the crow flies to Royal Portrush,  how many miles have you travelled?


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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2022 2:46 AM

    The following golf courses all hosted a European Tour event in 2019. In which country are they situated?
    Royal Green Golf & Country Club
    13th Beach Golf Links
    Lahinch Golf Club
    Himmerland Golf & Spa Resort
    Leopard Creek Country Club .


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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2022 2:59 AM

    Anyone see the ball .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Mickelson-hail-chip1


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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2022 9:10 AM

    What kind of point does gainsaying make?
    An agreement
    A denial
    An acceptance of fact
    A statement of uncertainty


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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2022 1:56 PM

    To declare to be false so it could be any of the four answers .


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    5,430 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2022 9:24 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    To declare to be false so it could be any of the four answers .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Img019

    Yo Craig, The word was "gainsaying" NOT "gainsharing".  I don't want to assume you weren't wearing your readers.  :-)


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    30,519 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2022 5:26 AM

    say again .

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    30,519 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2022 5:32 AM

    Wordle - The New York Times .

    Play this every day for some brain exercise .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47tp25j6wazfsvgsg4ogf5hi9kg4ksofas8dtqqb79&rid=giphy


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    30,519 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2022 5:33 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47tp25j6wazfsvgsg4ogf5hi9kg4ksofas8dtqqb79&rid=giphy


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    30,519 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2022 5:34 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47tp25j6wazfsvgsg4ogf5hi9kg4ksofas8dtqqb79&rid=giphy


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    25,124 Posts
    Thu, Oct 20 2022 7:57 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Word_o11

                                           noun | in-ter-LAH-kyuh-ter

                                                  What it means
    Interlocutor is a formal word that means “one who takes part in dialogue or conversation.”

    // It is crucial in our age of e-mail scams to verify the validity of one’s online interlocutors before sharing sensitive information.


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Thu, Oct 20 2022 7:04 PM

                                                         NEW PUZZLE
                                                       WHERE'S PAUL ?
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Rabbit11
    LOL .
    Of course you know this is an actual friend list .
    and you all know to which Paul I am referring . I saw this and had to post it . Lol .


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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 22 2022 2:15 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Word_210


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    21,016 Posts
    Sun, Oct 23 2022 2:12 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote pdb1:
      WHERE'S PAUL ?
    Easy find, but I'm not at ease with that position. Mr. S. may have questionable priorities in this environment(?)

    Deleted that "friend".
    Thanks for the heads-up!


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Oct 24 2022 3:19 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote alosso:
    Easy find, but I'm not at ease with that position. Mr. S. may have questionable priorities in this environment(?)

    You could be right . But I accidently ran across it and saw your profile pic in that cloud of pheromones . I thought WOW . That is not something one sees everyday .


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    25,124 Posts
    Thu, Oct 27 2022 8:45 PM

    Okay . I found some more puzzles . Some are pretty good . Here is # 1 & 2 .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz510


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    30,519 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2022 3:51 AM

    10 Notice the first letter. One + Nine + Eight = ONE Two + Eight + Nine = TEN

Last edited by Paul on Fri 17 May 2024, 3:46 pm; edited 5 times in total

Posts : 46146
Join date : 2013-05-06

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WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Empty PG's 124 - 125

Post by Paul Sat 27 Jan 2024, 9:09 am

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2022 8:45 AM

    BUZZ . And just under the time limit too craig .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    10 Notice the first letter. One + Nine + Eight = ONE Two + Eight + Nine = TEN

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz5aa10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz5ab10


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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2022 8:55 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz810

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    2,216 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2022 9:54 AM



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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2022 3:54 PM

    Visible to some . Not to others .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz910


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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2022 3:59 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz1110


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    2,269 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2022 4:03 PM



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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2022 4:56 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote Cicero733:


    I thought you were never going to get it . I mean it sat there for over 4 minutes .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz1110
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz11a10
    Well done .

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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2022 5:02 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz1210


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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2022 6:27 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 DFAABaPP_o


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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2022 6:45 PM

    A fun night out at Top Golf .
    For this girls family .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 AgE3odNc_o
    Probably a safety code . But good foresight with the safety net .

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 8:51 AM

    Booked topgolf for 27th december in miami .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U2908460_20220310_012840.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    5,430 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 11:14 AM

    Way up number ones...
    1) The yellow one is 725
    2) The purple is easier to see 786
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote pdb1:

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz1210

    More difficult than the "NEVER".   "I CANT SLEEP" is in there over 2 lines.


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 12:05 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote pmm711:

    Way up number ones...
    1) The yellow one is 725
    2) The purple is easier to see 786
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote pdb1:

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz1210

    More difficult than the "NEVER".   "I CANT SLEEP" is in there over 2 lines.

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz8a10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz9a10
    Now this is the one I was waiting for . ( below ) 18 hours from posting to GOOGLE time . Until you posted .I can live with that . But 4 minutes makes my time not willing to continue . More respectful .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz12a10
    Good job Paul .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 12:26 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 LdZR9oEt_o


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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 12:36 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 HYpEuWDF_o


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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 12:41 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz2010


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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 12:45 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz2810


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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 12:48 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 5TLqvT6Y_o

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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 12:50 PM

    6 .


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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 12:50 PM

    How can you add eight 8's to get the number 1,000?

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 2:22 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    How can you add eight 8's to get the number 1,000?



  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 2:22 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz2810

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    6 .

    The through holes go through the front and the back .
    8 holes .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 2:26 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 S6NkXj51_o

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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 2:59 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Vw6gIFPE_o


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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 3:25 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 153a10


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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 3:37 PM

    This is Henry Kawa .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 QToWAB5n_o
    The suspects had allegedly performed COVID infractions . Henry was on it .


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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 3:47 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 147a10


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    6,185 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 4:19 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote pdb1:

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 147a10



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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 7:49 PM

    You are correct Sir .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 147b11


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    1,199 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2022 8:43 PM

    Not to put too fine of a point on your answer; however, cocaine was actually legal at the time Coca-Cola was created and for another 28 years of production.  It wasn't until 1914 before cocaine became illegal in the US.


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Join date : 2013-05-06

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WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Empty 127 - 129

Post by Paul Sat 27 Jan 2024, 9:14 am

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2022 2:01 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote Zzyzx01:

    Not to put too fine of a point on your answer; however, cocaine was actually legal at the time Coca-Cola was created and for another 28 years of production.  It wasn't until 1914 before cocaine became illegal in the US.

    Wow talk about a typo . It says TRUE . Then somehow I type illegal instead of legal . All while try to state this that I am reading off of . Lol .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 1477711
    So I will edit my first attempt .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 147bbb10
    After the passage of the act in 1914, heralding its illegal status, cocaine remained largely dormant in the American psyche. Cocaine was mostly forgotten as one generation passed, and another took its place.

    Why Is Cocaine Illegal?

    Cocaine is considered a " Schedule II narcotic "  by the DEA, which means it has a high potential for abuse (though it has some limited medical uses). The move to make cocaine illegal is rooted in mixed and complicated history of concern for public health and safety, politics, and racism.
    So correctamundo Z .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2022 2:20 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 QvoEfTN6_o


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2022 2:23 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 XzkWs8ll_o


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2022 2:26 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Np147a11


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    25,124 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2022 2:27 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 HnQ5LbFD_o


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    25,124 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2022 2:29 AM



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    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2022 11:36 PM

    So . No go on the puzzles/trivia huh ?


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2022 11:36 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 YEAlSwip_o


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2022 12:12 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz810

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote gonfission:


    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz8a10
    IDK how I missed you got this first . Lol .
    And NO I don't see it  .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
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    30,519 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2022 6:47 AM

    Sorry paul been busy .
    Wife getting biopsy and all that .
    Too be honest both you and i are fighting against the tide on these forums .
    Nobody comes here any more .
    My suggestion would be for one thread between all the regulars so at least somebody reads our posts but the infighting would have to stop between us all .
    I will take my part in causing this although i have cleaned up my act now .
    You start it then . Your less hated than me .

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2022 4:07 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    Sorry paul been busy .
    Wife getting biopsy and all that .

    That can be rough . Give her my best craig .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    Too be honest both you and i are fighting against the tide on these forums .
    Nobody comes here any more .

    Very obvious craig .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    My suggestion would be for one thread between all the regulars so at least somebody reads our posts but the infighting would have to stop between us all .

    craig . It is my belief that yours , mine , their threads are all being read . In fact , that we are still persistent continually . Gives the dwindling number of forumers something to entertain themselves .
    If anything we are helping to keep this alive . Much more than we are detrimental in any way . IMSO .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    the infighting would have to stop between us all .

    This is something I am oblivious to . If there is something current that I am involved in . Then I am clueless to it . And need to be informed .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    I will take my part in causing this although i have cleaned up my act now

    No need craig . You are all good . You have done no harm . I mean that .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    You start it then .

    Also no need . Continue as status quo .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    Your less hated than me .

    Lol . Are you sure about that "? I'm not so sure . My wife says " That's some funny sht right there " .Lol .
    Look if people are haters then so be it . It is a shame .
    My intent is quite the opposite . I stay positive interacting with fellow WGTers . Even with the antagonists .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Nov 4 2022 7:46 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 KUdJzQdO_o


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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Nov 4 2022 7:48 AM



  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Nov 4 2022 7:51 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz2110


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Nov 4 2022 8:05 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pzline10


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Nov 4 2022 8:06 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 2ufWeLTq_o


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Nov 4 2022 8:10 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 RIGg2zOQ_o
    They look like typical politicians .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Nov 5 2022 8:33 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    Nobody comes here any more .

    I mean . It's really bad .
    I'm sure there is a grip of silent perusers .
    Oh well .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
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    30,519 Posts
    Sun, Nov 6 2022 12:34 PM

    yes .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pzline10


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
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    30,519 Posts
    Sun, Nov 6 2022 12:35 PM

    penguin .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz2110

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1850049_20230904_100034.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
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    307 Posts
    Sun, Nov 6 2022 2:31 PM

    Failing that,   hippopotamus 


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Nov 7 2022 12:09 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote spa75:

    Failing that,   hippopotamus 

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz2110
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz21a10
    I sure can't see it . But you are correct .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Nov 7 2022 12:13 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    yes .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pzline10

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Pz19a10
    You are correct too craig .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Nov 7 2022 12:58 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 LpHIDcc1_o


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Nov 7 2022 12:59 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 FNBKHTrN_o


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Nov 7 2022 1:01 PM

    Try this one again .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Np147a11


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Nov 7 2022 1:03 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 146c10
    corrected .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Nov 7 2022 1:37 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 1BoyPefN_o


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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Nov 7 2022 1:37 PM



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    1,199 Posts
    Mon, Nov 7 2022 4:50 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote pdb1:

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 146b10



Posts : 46146
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WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Empty 130 - 132

Post by Paul Sat 27 Jan 2024, 9:21 am

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 5:21 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote Zzyzx01:

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote pdb1:

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 146b10


    No . That actually is true .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 146_c10


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U32804254_20240105_154650.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    2,269 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 6:14 AM

    Think you will find the year should be 1957 not 1937


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U19631084_20200517_185514.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    1,199 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 7:20 AM

    The puzzle seems to be "Where are you getting your facts?"  Some of us were around when Sputnik was launched....circa 1957.  Secondly.. the start of the Cold War began circa 1947.
    Revisionist history?


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U15815625_20160109_065854.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 9:32 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote pdb1:

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote Zzyzx01:

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote pdb1:

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 146b10


    No . That actually is true .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 146_c10

    This is a misnomer ^^^
    The first was --------
    • by Suzanne Deffree Comments 7 A V-2 A4 rocket launched from Peenemünde, an island off Germany’s Baltic coast, became the first known man-made object to reach space, traveling 118 miles on October 3, 1942. The 2-ton, liquid-propellant rocket was designed by rocket scientist Wernher von Braun and proved extraordinarily deadly during World War II.

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Th?id=OIP


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
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    30,519 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 11:24 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e4750x47xbtj9qnog1s641xaqqi7tmpwqcjuhtw3p50&rid=giphy


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    30,519 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 11:25 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47fb4jpttf8fcgx1u1iglobftzhiiw4e1pngvgkwu4&rid=giphy


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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 3:01 PM

    I'm sure it comes as no surprise for me to tell you that my nickname is TypoTyson .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 146_tr10
    Plus it is time for new glasses .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 4:06 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 XtDdoYmm_o


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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 4:07 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 4QvW0jsS_o


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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 4:11 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 139_kr10

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 4:14 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 151_tr10


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 4:18 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 K617oggW_o
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 JlzLKVvr_o


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 6:20 PM

    I'm sure it comes as no surprise for me to tell you that my nickname is TypoTyson .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 146_tr10
    Plus it is time for new glasses .
    I first typed 1937 . Once you caught my error . I checked and found the typo .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote Zzyzx01:

    The puzzle seems to be "Where are you getting your facts?"  Some of us were around when Sputnik was launched....circa 1957.  Secondly.. the start of the Cold War began circa 1947.
    Revisionist history?

    No it is once I type it correctly we go with my sources .
    first artificial satellite

    On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the earth's first artificial satellite, Sputnik-1. The successful launch came as a shock to experts and citizens in the United States, who had hoped that the United States would accomplish this scientific advancement first.


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    30,519 Posts
    Wed, Nov 9 2022 2:41 AM

    true .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    30,519 Posts
    Wed, Nov 9 2022 3:01 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47xen3fpsh671ou4blgwet1ybfud31tof34tl9lw57&rid=giphy


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    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    30,519 Posts
    Wed, Nov 9 2022 3:01 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47ujx5uga7hemvyq1vovbfu4hpgt1opc1okvqbvwlp&rid=giphy


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    30,519 Posts
    Thu, Nov 10 2022 3:28 AM

    1. How many WGT forum user's does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

    One to do it, post it, and not get credit for it;
    one to repost it as they did it;
    and one to state that the video is actually fake and it never happened..
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47vnu6q9qdyp32jueb9q094xdcrpcwj8ty3wy4ib2o&rid=giphy


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    25,124 Posts
    Thu, Nov 10 2022 8:06 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Np147a11
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 139_kr10


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    30,519 Posts
    Thu, Nov 10 2022 10:09 AM

    true .
    no .
    false .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e4750dqgxgh6mk3rri66rhilaq2asujyq47lb6lc63d&rid=giphy
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 QMvoduH


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    30,519 Posts
    Thu, Nov 10 2022 10:16 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47fqvadyt75angruj91y2bjoeiphezubrp1a35nxwf&rid=giphy

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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Nov 11 2022 3:22 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Nov 11 2022 3:27 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Nov 12 2022 1:39 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47l2c82e5zgb2dyrawzmvj45koa7vr7pq5v6p3xplc&rid=giphy


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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Nov 12 2022 9:30 AM

    Lol . craig I have the same 32 meters that you have . Are we going to post each one right after another ? Lol . Probably .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Nov 12 2022 11:16 AM

    I have more than 32 .WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Damn-attempting-to-give-a-damn


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Nov 12 2022 11:19 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e475hna1e9ciwxw3y5aa434syl97klkwgj1n2mu4ohz&rid=giphy


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    30,519 Posts
    Sun, Nov 13 2022 2:37 AM

    Thinking this might be you paul .
    Word of the Day: CHOP-LOGIC — a contentious polemicist, someone who makes confusing arguments, i.e. ‘chops’ logic..
    There's a lot if it about .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47xmdvlo0x76do8spztd1zim0f37b41s610igz0cc1&rid=giphy


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    25,124 Posts
    Sun, Nov 13 2022 4:16 AM

    Something I have considered for a long time Is posting a Word of the Day .
    So here goes .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Word_110


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    25,124 Posts
    Sun, Nov 13 2022 4:36 AM

    Laundry day .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 IhYIvTeO_o


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    25,124 Posts
    Sun, Nov 13 2022 4:38 AM



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Join date : 2013-05-06

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WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Empty 133 - 135

Post by Paul Sat 27 Jan 2024, 9:27 am

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 15 2022 5:49 PM



  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    30,519 Posts
    Wed, Nov 16 2022 2:43 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 100.gif?cid=ecf05e47aprhdpvn5fusvdqfzindx1fnecjdkl8s3dl8p4kc&rid=100


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    30,519 Posts
    Wed, Nov 16 2022 3:01 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47q22nu63yom8pg5ch4fo0k90t1m7qf2i9f2sbq3g6&rid=giphy


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    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Nov 16 2022 7:55 AM

    I don't seem to see answers for these puzzles .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Np147a11
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 139_kr10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 153a10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 151_tr10
    Unless these stand alone answers were meant for some of the puzzles ? IDK ?

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    true .
    no .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    true .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    false .



  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nation.png?0.172
    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Nov 16 2022 7:59 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 O8rHGbIc_o


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Thu, Nov 17 2022 6:45 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Thurs_10


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
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    30,519 Posts
    Thu, Nov 17 2022 11:54 AM

    Is this forum dead?

    I know I have a habit of coming late to the party. But, is this forum dead?
    Do people not see value in free posting .
    Some places they charge money .
    I hardly see any activity on here..

    Why does this forum even exist .
    There's been more posts in this subforum alone today than the daily post average .
    No longer the same as it was back in the day .
    Seemed quite sad to see what's left of this place now ..
     There used to be hundreds of different people posting here each week but it seems they've also moved on or stopped playing and now.
    It's just a small clique. Maybe social media is to blame or discord perhaps .
     I miss the long, analytic quality posting from way back, but there is still some good insight to be found here. Plenty of satire too .
    I recall back then the intensity here was really astonishing, almost every thread ended up with a massive everyone vs. everyone fight .
    By-and-large a forum with reasonable people who behave like grown-ups. There's not much chest-beating or trolling going on now .
    There are now between 10-20 regular posters, and the others only  occasionals .
    Kind of you to still have endured it and kept posting and contributing in all this while .
    It definitely used to be more of a laugh .
    Oh, no, it didn’t .
    I didn't used to really understand the saying that "social media has killed the internet" but I do now .
     Not that it's anyone's fault mind you, we've been discussing the same thing for years. No wonder we're talking about the same topics over and over..
    I used to post a lot but hardly ever now - more because of other constraints. Has that stopped me from reading discussion on a daily basis? No. Do I think the forum is dead? No..
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47kzobywjlgfs9sij760qtpyxur3hhuv0jmqoees65&rid=giphy


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    30,519 Posts
    Thu, Nov 17 2022 12:03 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47wmxy2kfd0vephw5tqv1d1w27yfi8vprnjioaamdm&rid=giphy


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    4,789 Posts
    Fri, Nov 18 2022 3:31 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    I used to post a lot but hardly ever now - more because of other constraints.

    This is just the last 2 days:
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 ZLjPhLd


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U304032_20200216_070644.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    6,702 Posts
    Fri, Nov 18 2022 3:52 PM

    lol   .. tag 
    EDIT :  my bad

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Nov 19 2022 3:21 AM

    Your so right guys .
    The people who tolerate me on a daily basis are the real heroes..
    I'm not stupid!  . I just have bad luck when i'm thinking...
    There's a tree working very hard to produce oxygen so that i can breathe. I think i should go and apologize to it .
    There are some remarkably dumb people in this world. Thanks for helping me understand that. .
    I am like a cloud..  When i disappear it’s a beautiful day..
    I have zero charisma . 5 of my friends have told me that already .
    I  ashamed of who i am .


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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Nov 19 2022 3:38 AM

    With paul bowing out i think this thread might be gone .
    All the best paul .


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    30,519 Posts
    Sun, Nov 20 2022 3:51 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47o1tf86er7zg091powbbg44mrq0h92tukokp3vlsa&rid=giphy


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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Nov 21 2022 6:13 AM


    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    Your so right guys .
    The people who tolerate me on a daily basis are the real heroes..

    That's balderdash craig .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    I have zero charisma . 5 of my friends have told me that already .

    No they haven't .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    I  ashamed of who i am .

    No your not .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    With paul bowing out i think this thread might be gone .

    This thread feels like the only thing that has a possibilty of saving here . By me anyway .
    What I think I will do . Is post various TRUE or FALSE , trivia questions , word puzzles , etc . The exact same as I always have .
    If the guys still don't want to anwer them . Maybe some new forumers will want to ?
    We'll just have to see .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Np147a11
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 139_kr10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 150_fa10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Np103_10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Thurs_10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Galile10


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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Nov 21 2022 6:20 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 KOvfpfX3_o


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    2,307 Posts
    Mon, Nov 21 2022 8:44 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote pdb1:

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 KOvfpfX3_o

    I thought you said your were not going to post anymore, due to being put back on moderation.

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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Nov 21 2022 9:26 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote garyk49:
    I thought you said your were not going to post anymore, due to being put back on moderation.

    I did say that . And I decided that there were still a couple reasons for me to want to have some involvement still .
    This thread is one .
    I have xlnt internet now . I might try harder to figure out PCEA and try to hit TL .
    I had been playing a lot of Coin Rounds . I stopped doing that . I might play a sponsor pack with a couple few rounds now and then .
    Initially I just couldn't believe I had been put back on moderfation . I thought I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of controlling me again . But that faded right away .
    I had already been getting worn out or disenchanted with helping with the glitches . I will do much less of that going forward .
    I also have too much time on my hands . Work is slow . Probably will be untill next year .
    You'll probably barely notice me .
    Edited : Tues . 11  22 22 , 12:23 PM MST 2 hours since post . At 10:20 AM
    So if you think I haven't seen any of your replies . I have . And responded .
    Of course that means I am at the mercy of whatever moderator is on staff . Going through the Que of moderated posts . Probably lowest job on the totem pole . Whenever he or she gets around to it .
    Now 2:51 PM 3.5 hours later .
    Made another post here at 4:40 PM .
    Finally got a post approved , this one , Posted it at 3:19 PM . It got approved at 6:52 PM . It is now 11:52 PM . I guess it won't be today .


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    30,519 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 3:54 AM

    superman - false .


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    30,519 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 3:57 AM

    queens astronometer - galileo ..


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    30,519 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 3:58 AM

    acute angle - true .


Posts : 46146
Join date : 2013-05-06

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WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Empty 136 - 138

Post by Paul Sat 27 Jan 2024, 9:33 am

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
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    30,519 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 4:02 AM

    septuagenarian .
    person between 70 and 90 .
    Lots of them on here .


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    30,519 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 7:24 AM

    Biggest muscle - 
    1. Gluteus maximus


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    30,519 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 8:23 AM

    I have become the first person ever to reach a massive 500 million followers on WGT .
    That means that more than 10 per cent of the world's population (or around one in every 16 people) now follow me .
    Mind blowing, when you really think about it..
    And  is still on the rise..
    So, it looks like it isn't just Kim Kardashian who can break the internet these days..
    The only post that beats it is a photo of an egg with a whopping 550.9 million likes..
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47w0o3byoxjbdb2qk887y5yemferzlzl0ugo29qrj3&rid=giphy


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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 9:48 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    superman - false .

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    queens astronometer - galileo ..


    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    acute angle - true .

    3 right craig .
    Here are the current questions :
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Np147a11
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 150_fa10
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    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Npt1_i10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Npt2_e10


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    9,845 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 10:26 AM

    I'm going to give a shout out to the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus because they never get a mention, hurrah for them both!
    A six-pack in your back...  side.  : ))


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 10:41 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    Biggest muscle - 
    1. Gluteus maximus

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote ScottHope:

    I'm going to give a shout out to the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus because they never get a mention, hurrah for them both!
    A six-pack in your back...  side.  : ))

    Not biggest .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 150_fa10
    Strongest .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 150_b_10


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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 11:04 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    septuagenarian .
    person between 70 and 90 .
    Lots of them on here .

    We know that's right .


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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 3:38 PM

    Don't confuse likes for followers craig
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Craig_14


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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 3:54 PM

    Ever wonder why your brand new luggage looks like it's been through a war ?
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 WUEv2tOE_o


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    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2022 2:13 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Np147a11
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Npt1_i10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Astren10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Npt2_e10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 45cc1d10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Talles10

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
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    30,519 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2022 4:16 AM

    holidays - france .


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    30,519 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2022 4:17 AM

    cricket ears - legs .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47vrxztx51th2i5q3bt4yjw5bs4m9cpcv6su33cot2&rid=giphy


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    30,519 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2022 4:19 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47v6hfhkaku7zus7u4xinb0fn7h659yss2lhpqv3sr&rid=giphy


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    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2022 8:24 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Npt1_i10

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    holidays - france .

    Nope . Italy


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    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2022 8:34 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Npt2_e10

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    cricket ears - legs .

    Correct .
    In my latest exchange with the moderation team . At the same time that they posted the 2 posts above within a few minutes of when I submitted them . Someone else on the team was responding to a request from me that they be more efficient .
    I was as always very polite . Their response politely told me
    Please note that posts usually take 12-24 hours to be moderated and on rare occasion up to 48 hours.
    I know this is a false and convenient response to allow them to remain in control . And IMSO permission to not take the task of moderating and approving posts seriously .
    I have lots of examples of fast and efficient posting . It seriously can be done almost immediately .( remember I have about 13,000 posts while on moderation ) . And the first moderated post in the bugs and fixes thread this time around came back in 2 minutes . As did the 2 above .
    So I responded with " I know better " . Which in the childish minds of the moderating department . Will surely not favor me . And when it comes to this thread . It is especially frustrating to have some posts come through quickly and others take 18 hours .
    I don't want you all to have to suffer my moderation along with me . That likely being the case . Even though I just compiled a massive folder of worthy trivia . As I get excited about the chance of success of this thread . It may be all for not . .As I am not willing to play their games and will just abandon hope . And stop this thread .
    So this was just a teaser for me . And maybe some of you .
    I tried to shine it on , this new permanent moderation . As something that is what it is . In truth I cannot . I made 1 punishable error . Posting that GIF . That was made by someone else . That was meant humorously . In case you didn't see it . It was a take off of the NIKE Swoosh and it said " JUST **** IT " . Instead of " JUST DO IT ". 
    I knew it was bold . But I didn't think it was nearly as bad as the " flame baiting , degrading , insulting of actual people that is the norm in these forums .It's not as bad as that . Not even close .
    But still technically they had the right to moderate me . And for god only knows why the moderators and the haters have such disdain for me .
    If any of you know the dedication and passion I have for this place . The amount of research .It takes to honor so many . And plainly the objective to welcome and inform newer players to the game . And to honor many GR8's that WGT will never do .
    I feel like they could have warned me that posting that GIF was unacceptable . To take it down and don't do it again . After all , that word **** has been posted dozens of times in these forums , and is still in every original post .
    My belief is that there is only a select few that do not appreciate what I do . And do not want me around . And if I am . Then it won't be easy .
    I feel like it is a childish game . Played by childish adults . The haters and the moderators . I just don't feel like playing along anymore . Their actions are not conducive to improving , or having a positive impact on these forums .
    I fought and lost .
    Thursday Thanksgiving Morning Nov 24 , 2022 8:38 AM .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Thanks11


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    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2022 9:01 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Astren10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 45cc1d10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Talles10
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 10010
    craig . Might I ask that you count to say 13,000 before you answer . So as to give any others a chance to answer as well please ?
    Thank you .


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    30,519 Posts
    Fri, Nov 25 2022 7:58 AM

    Come back paul .
    We miss you .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e473hdtow5wjf9vutfg81xvueq79c76xzi0bg1khsm4&rid=giphy


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    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2022 7:46 AM

    Okay . What the H E double hockey sticks .
    I'll start with a :
    Part of speech: verb
    Origin: Latin, 16th century
    Repeat or reiterate (a word or statement), typically for emphasis.

    Examples of Ingeminate in a sentence

    "The mayor learned to ingeminate the main points in her weekly addresses to make sure they were understood as clearly as possible."
    "Before they left for the weekend, Laura’s parents ingeminated they did not want a party thrown in their absence."
    About Ingeminate
    “Ingeminate” is based on the Latin “ingeminō,” meaning to “repeat” or “reiterate.”
    Did you Know?
    Most people ingeminate, or repeat, an important point any time they need to drive it home. However, most people experience more ingemination (the noun form) in front of their TVs and other screens than anywhere else, because that’s where they encounter advertising. One advertising theory holds that an audience must see a message seven times before they internalize it, which explains why sometimes the same ad will appear during every commercial break in a program, or across multiple online media. Advertisers ingeminate to keep the brand in the forefront of the customer’s mind.
    There are 3 puzzles above . Please start with those .
    Thank you .


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    30,519 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2022 11:30 AM

    fly me to the moon .
    let someone else answer the rest .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47e3l3gtsbza09a3fxunjn5xms9oyuy089t9z2dkrh&rid=giphy


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    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2022 4:37 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:

    fly me to the moon .
    let someone else answer the rest .

    Okay craig .
    But that's not right .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Astren11

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Fri, Dec 9 2022 5:19 AM

    Things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time.
    Items of collectible memorabilia, typically written or printed ones, that were originally expected to have only short-term usefulness or popularity.

    Examples of Ephemera in a sentence

    "Realizing many of his belongings were basically ephemera, Greg donated them to charity before he moved."
    "When Sara is at the fair, she’d rather eat decadent foods than win ephemera on the midway."
    About Ephemera
    “Ephemera” is taken directly from the Latin, where it was borrowed from the ancient Greek “ἐφήμερᾰ” (“ephḗmera”), meaning “short lived” or “living for a day.”
    Did you Know?
    In the world of collectibles, “ephemera” refers to a broad category of items that were never intended to last a long time or have any particular value. This category includes things such as old periodicals, receipts, tickets, and product packaging, as well as outdated maps and documents that are now obsolete. All of these items were intended to exist for a very short period of time, but to modern collectors, ephemera from years ago provides a clear picture of life in the past.


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    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2023 10:18 AM

    Here is an easy one .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Lady_c10
    I have already answered your post craig . Then I answered Simon's and posted another puzzle . Before 3:00 PM . Sorry about the wait guys .


  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U1544357_20230221_042026.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 GBR.gif?0.172
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    30,519 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2023 1:36 PM

    I know the answer paul but will let one of your other readers go first .


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    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2023 1:53 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    I know the answer paul but will let one of your other readers go first .

    Let's see if anyone wants to .
    Thanks craig .


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    3,426 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2023 2:28 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nq0EE


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    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2023 2:46 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote SimonTheBeetle:

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nq0EE

    I assume that your answer is Liberty Simon ? I should wait for your response . Because the answer was a surprise to me as well .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Lady_c11
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Lady_c12


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    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2023 2:49 PM

    Nevermind .


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    3,426 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2023 6:38 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote pdb1:

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote SimonTheBeetle:

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Nq0EE

    I assume that your answer is Liberty Simon ? I should wait for your response . Because the answer was a surprise to me as well .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Lady_c11

    ??? HUH?! That is what you get to see every time you watch a Columbia Pictures movie, Paul so... guess again what my answer was. Wink


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    25,124 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2023 7:36 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote SimonTheBeetle:
    ??? HUH?! That is what you get to see every time you watch a Columbia Pictures movie, Paul so... guess again what my answer was. Wink

    It's not my position to have to guess what your answer is Simon .
    There were 4 choices .
    If you say that you meant Columbia . I believe you .
    Let's try to spell out our answers please . Thank you .

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    30,519 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2023 11:09 AM

    What is the rarest thing in golf?


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Post by Paul Sat 27 Jan 2024, 9:43 am

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    25,124 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2023 1:56 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    What is the rarest thing in golf?

    I was going to say back to back or 2  HIO's .
    According to the National Hole-in-One Registry, the odds of the average golfer making a hole-in-one are 12,500 to 1. Broken down even further, here are the odds of:
    • Tour player making an ace: 3,000 to 1
    • Low-handicapper making an ace: 5,000 to 1
    • Two players from the same foursome acing the same hole: 17 million to 1
    • One player making two holes-in-one in the same round: 67 million to 1

    But I guess the answer is a Condor . An Ace on a par 5 .


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    2,216 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2023 2:38 PM

    Getting paid after you won the round...


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    30,519 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2023 7:05 AM

    Who is this .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 1212706044funny-golf-animated-gif-17


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    2,216 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2023 7:55 AM



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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2023 10:50 AM

    I dunno craig . That's a hella shot though .
    Here's one .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 10011


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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2023 10:52 AM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy

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    30,519 Posts
    Tue, Jan 10 2023 12:34 PM

    100 .
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47u6v1vle3o5tre4rdwwgpt4t5p1821tbjf1778mxl&rid=giphy


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    30,519 Posts
    Tue, Jan 10 2023 12:36 PM

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    30,519 Posts
    Tue, Jan 10 2023 12:38 PM

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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Jan 10 2023 1:02 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 10011

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Icon-quote craigswan:
    100 .

    Correct .

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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Jan 10 2023 1:54 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 PwTY2k3t_o


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    25,124 Posts
    Tue, Jan 10 2023 1:55 PM

    puzzle : no interest .


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    25,124 Posts
    Sun, Jan 22 2023 7:40 AM

    As much as I enjoy posting the puzzles and trivia here . The lack of participation speaks volumes .
    I would like to blame it on the broken flow that moderation creates . That is the part for me that puts the nail in the coffin .
    The whole process of waiting for my puzzles and gifs to finally post . Takes away from any type of connection or rhythm I/we might/did have when this was going well .
    The simple fact that you all have completely lost interest in not just this thread . But the Forum's in general . And the fight I have with the moderation . Leads me to sadly decide to abandon this effort .
    But I do get to take away from this . Some GR8 memories while it was going strong . I really had a lot of fun . I hope some of you did as well .
    Thanks .


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    25,124 Posts
    Thu, Jan 26 2023 12:19 PM

    Why Did We Stop Using Cursive?
    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Wg-blo10
    Someone who went to grade school before the 2000s will be able to describe learning how to write in cursive. They were likely instructed to repeat the same letter over and over again on lined paper, which would then be inspected by an instructor for uniformity in size and shape. But students today receive tablets instead of pencils, pens, and lined paper. Why has penmanship become a lost art, and why don’t we use cursive anymore?

    A Brief History of Cursive Writing

    Good penmanship was long considered a status symbol, in that it meant one had the wealth, privilege, and time to access education. The ancient Romans borrowed aspects of the Etruscan alphabet to create one of the earliest forms of written script for transactions and correspondence. In the late eighth century, Charlemagne instructed an English monk to standardize the craft of penmanship, which resulted in Carolingian minuscule, a form of writing that crept closer to modern script. A heavier typeface reigned supreme upon the invention of the printing press in the mid-15th century, but Italian humanists revolted by creating an even more elegant handwriting style, known as “italic.” This became such a status symbol that, by the 1700s, some writing schools emerged in the American Colonies. At Boston schools such as the Latin School and the Writing School in Queen Street — where subjects included spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, and the catechism — there was a heavy focus on penmanship and different forms of ornamental script and calligraphy.
    This idea of teaching penmanship as a school subject caught on, and in the 19th and 20th centuries, cursive English was standardized in the American school system. As cities grew and more job opportunities (such as secretarial positions) opened up outside of fields and factories, strong writing skills were required. In many ways, good penmanship meant better opportunities, plain and simple.

    Technology and Obsolescence

    However, by the beginning of the 20th century, typewriters had entered the picture. They arrived in classrooms by the 1930s, eventually to be replaced by computers in the late 1980s. Much in the same way good penmanship had once been a key professional skill to get certain jobs in the previous century, educators began to understand typing as an essential skill for burgeoning professionals, and typing classes became part of the school curriculum.
    Once email and texting became major forms of communication by the early 2000s, schools began to emphasize computer literacy even more. It became common practice for college students to use laptops for taking notes and completing exams and assignments, eschewing the need for good penmanship. By 2010, the Common Core State Standards declared American students no longer needed cursive proficiency, and many schools removed it from their curriculum.

    Modern Resurgence

    While it may not be required coursework across the board, cursive is making a comeback. Research shows that handwriting notes activates multiple brain regions associated with optimal memory, much more so than note-taking with digital devices. Taking notes by hand or writing a to-do list on paper will preserve that memory a lot longer than typing into a laptop or phone. As of February 2022, 14 states passed legislation requiring cursive to be taught in schools, with legislation pending elsewhere. Educators argue that such instruction is essential to developing fine motor skills.
    With cursive back in classrooms, maybe the art of penmanship won’t be relegated to assignments. Perhaps sending long missives through the mail will be the next trend of 2023.


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    25,124 Posts
    Thu, Jan 26 2023 12:26 PM

    Using e.g. , i.e. , ex .
    Most students, from middle school through college, have run across the abbreviations “i.e.” and “e.g.” in the course of their academic career. It’s common to  assume that those two-letter abbreviations are similar to “ex,” which is often used as an abbreviation for “example.” But this isn’t quite correct, and can cause some confusion or even misunderstanding in the message we’re trying to convey. So what’s the deal with “e.g.” and “i.e.” — and when, if ever, do we need to use them?

    They’re Abbreviations of Latin Phrases

    Trying to puzzle out what “e.g.” and “i.e.” could stand for isn’t easy — at least not in English. They’re actually derived from Latin phrases: Exempli gratia is Latin for “for example” or “for instance,” while id est is Latin for “that is to say” or “in other words.”
    The earliest English usage of the Latin phrase exempli gratia dates to the late 16th century, and there is evidence that id est was used in Old English before 950 CE. The English usage of both abbreviations dates to the early and mid-17th century.

    They Aren’t Interchangeable

    Despite their shared Latin origins, “e.g.” and “i.e.” should not be used interchangeably. It can be tricky to remember which one to use, but as a memory aid, remind yourself that “e.g.” means “for example” by remembering “‘e’ is for ‘example’” or “examples: good.” To recall that “i.e.” means “in other words,” remember that “‘i’ is for ‘in other words’ or ‘in essence.’”
    Another way to remember the difference between “e.g.” and “i.e.” is to recall that “e.g.” expands a statement by giving examples, while “i.e.” clarifies a statement with a more specific description.
    “He has many talents and interests, e.g., playing guitar, vegetable gardening, and studying French history.”
    “He has many talents and interests, i.e., he’s a Renaissance man.”

    Do I Need to Use i.e. and e.g.?

    The short answer is: probably not, at least not in casual emails, or even in most professional settings. However, these Latin abbreviations tend to appear in academic and legal documents, so it’s a good idea to know what they mean and how to use them.
    When writing “e.g.” and “i.e.,” the abbreviations should be lowercase, unless used as the first word in a sentence, and each letter should be followed by a period. And while many style guides require that foreign language words be italicized, such as exempli gratia and id est, there is no need to italicize “e.g.” and “i.e.” when they are in their abbreviated form. There’s also no need to add an additional[url= MLA Style] period[/url] if either abbreviation comes at the end of a sentence. For example: “I couldn’t remember whether to use ‘e.g.’ or ‘i.e.’” However, if the abbreviation is in the middle of the sentence, a comma should be used after the abbreviation.

    Can I Use “Ex” Instead of “e.g.”?

    “Ex” is sometimes used as an abbreviation for “example” — perhaps if the writer couldn’t remember whether to use “e.g.” or “i.e.” or was concerned their audience wouldn’t know what “e.g.” meant. However, “ex” can also be used as an abbreviation for other words, including “exchange,” “executive,” “exercise,” “express,” “extinct,” and “extra,” and “Ex” is the abbreviation for a book in the Bible, Exodus.
    For the sake of clarity, consider spelling out “example,” or using “e.g.” instead.


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    25,124 Posts
    Thu, Jan 26 2023 12:35 PM

                                WORD OF THE DAY
                                                      noun | hye-PER-buh-lee

    What It Means

    Hyperbole refers to language that describes something as much better or worse than it really is.
    // The customer’s letter of complaint included a number of outrageous claims and was generally full of hyperbole.

    // The children were disappointed to learn that while the ice cream cones were very large, describing them as “foot-high” was pure hyperbole.

    Examples of HYPERBOLE

    “It is tempting for elected leaders to engage in hyperbole, some more inflammatory than others, to signal the depth of their indignation.” — Carl Golden, The Daily Post-Athenian (Athens, Tennessee), 14 May 2022

    Did You Know?

    In the 5th century B.C.E. there was a rabble-rousing Athenian politician named Hyperbolus. Since Hyperbolus is known to history as a demagogue, i.e. “a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power,” one might be tempted to assume that his name played a role in the development of the modern English word hyperbole, but that's not the case. Although that noun does come to us from Greek (by way of Latin), it does so instead from the Greek verb hyperballein, meaning “to exceed,” which itself was formed from hyper-, meaning “beyond,” and ballein, “to throw.” Hyperbolus may have preferred to take the undeserved credit, of course


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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Jan 28 2023 4:48 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Word_o12
                                                       adjective | frih-NET-ik
                                                           What It Means
    Frenetic means “marked by excitement, disorder, or anxiety-driven activity.” It is synonymous with frenzied and frantic, both of which are also related etymologically to frenetic
    // The celebration was noisy and frenetic, lasting into the wee hours of morning.
    Examples of FRENETIC
    “His sophomore and junior soccer seasons were jammed together due to the pandemic, playing in the spring and fall only months apart during a frenetic 2021 calendar year.” — Patrick Z. McGavin, The Chicago Tribune, 22 Aug. 2022
    Did You Know?
    In modern use, frenetic can describe a focused and intense effort to meet a deadline, or dancing among a hyped-up crowd, but the word’s Middle English predecessor, frenetik, had a more specific meaning than “frantic or wild”: it was originally used to describe those exhibiting a severely disordered state of mind. If you trace frenetic back far enough, you’ll find that it comes from Greek phrenîtis, a term referring to an inflammation of the brain. (Phren, the Greek word for “mind” (among other meanings) is a root recognizable in schizophrenic.) As for frenzied and frantic, they’re not only synonyms of frenetic but relatives as well. Frantic comes from frenetik, and frenzied traces back to phrenîtis.


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    25,124 Posts
    Sat, Jan 28 2023 4:57 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Word_o13
                                                          noun SPEEL

    What It Means

    spiel is a fast speech—often one that has been rehearsed or given before—that is usually intended to get someone to buy something or to agree to something.
    // We let the salesman give us his opening spiel, but when he got to the high-pressure sales tactics, we cut him short and made it clear that we were not interested

    spiel in Context

    “In the blue room, Third Man’s concert venue, [Bob] Weir and his band Wolf Bros preached between songs. The bassist, Don Was, who is also the head of the legendary jazz label Blue Note Records, gave a spiel about the glory of ‘authentic,’ Auto-Tune-free music.” — Spencer Kornhaber, The Atlantic, 9 June 2022

    Did You Know?

    Here’s our spiel on spiel: it’s well-known as a noun, and you may also be aware that spiel can be used as a verb meaning “to talk extravagantly,” but did you know that the verb can also mean “to play music”? That, in fact, is the word’s original meaning, and one it shares with its German root, spielen. (Spiel is also found in glockenspiel, the name of a musical instrument similar to the xylophone.) In Scottish English, spiel is also sometimes used as a shortened form of bonspiel, which refers to a match or tournament of the icy game of curling.


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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Jan 30 2023 12:13 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Abbrev10

                        What does “USB” stand for?

    The Real Meanings Behind “IQ,” “P.S.,” and Other Everyday Acronyms
    Some acronyms are so ubiquitous that their full-length counterparts are almost unknown — what does “USB” stand for, for example? Let’s get to the bottom of these commonplace abbreviations
    Some abbreviations are used more often than the words or phrases they actually stand for — such as “BBQ” (barbecue) and “ER” (emergency room). Similarly, some acronyms are so ubiquitous that their full-length counterparts are almost unknown — what does “USB” stand for, for example? Let’s get to the bottom of these commonplace abbreviations.

    IQ: Intelligence Quotient

    IQ is the [url= stands for intelligence quotient,answer questions or make predictions.]measure[/url] of a person’s reasoning ability. It has been used as an abbreviation for “intelligence quotient” since the 1920s, although French psychologist Alfred Binet developed the first recognized IQ test, called the Binet-Simon Scale, in 1904. Because of its obvious association with intelligence, IQ has become a way to describe how smart a person is (via a score on IQ tests) — but this implication isn’t entirely accurate. An IQ test cannot determine if a person is smart or not — these tests only determine a person’s reasoning ability through problem-solving tests and compare it to the average for their age.

    USB: Universal Serial Bus

    In a technology-dependent world, we’d be lost without the “universal serial bus,” better known as the “USB.” [url= (Universal Serial Bus) was,of serial and parallel ports.]Invented[/url] in 1996, USB is a “a standardized technology for attaching peripheral devices to a computer.” In layman’s terms, USB ports allow USB devices to plug into them. The hole on the side of a computer or a charging block is the “USB port,” and “thumb drives” that can store files and data are called “USB drives.” These ports in computers, televisions, game consoles, etc., connect with USB chargers, cameras, printers, and many other devices. But why is it called a “bus”? In the computing lexicon, a “bus” is “a distinct set of conductors carrying data and control signals within a computer system, to which pieces of equipment may be connected in parallel.”

    A.M. and P.M.: Ante Meridiem and Post Meridiem

    If someone were to say, “The meeting begins at 9 ante meridiem sharp,”  there might be quite a few empty chairs in that 9 a.m. meeting, because people don’t often use the full Latin phrases to describe the time of day. The abbreviations “a.m.” and “p.m.” come from the Latin phrases for “before noon” and “after noon,” respectively. With this logic, both 12 a.m. and 12 p.m. could technically be called the same thing, so we designate them as “noon” and “midnight” instead.

    Laser: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

    Have you ever played with a “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation” pointer? Maybe you’re more familiar with “laser” pointers. It’s no wonder this wordy phrase was abbreviated. Engineer and physicist Theodore Maiman invented the first working laser in 1960 at Hughes Research Laboratory in California, and the catchy abbreviation was immediately adopted.

    P.S.: Post Scriptum

    To add an additional remark at the end of a letter, the universal abbreviation is “P.S.,” short for the Latin phrase post scriptum, which literally means “written after.” It’s been used in English since the 17th century to add an extra note to everything from personal love letters to movie titles (Remember “P.S. I Love You”?).

    RSVP: Répondez S'il Vous Plaît

    Parlez-vous français? Even if you don’t, you’ve likely used this French loanword. “RSVP” is originally a French acronym that translates to, “respond if you please.” In English, it’s used all the time as a verb related to party invitations, as in, “‘Did you RSVP to her wedding yet?’ ‘Yes, I RSVP’d right away!’”
    While Americans and Brits use this abbreviation daily, using it in France today would be a faux pas. They’ve moved on from the dated “RSVP” and now use the phrase réponse souhaitée, which translates literally as “response desired.”

    ZIP Code: Zone Improvement Plan Code

    Invented in the 1960s, ZIP codes were [url= %26 Development,the speed of mail delivery.]introduced[/url] to improve the speed of mail delivery by the U.S. Postal Service. Short for “zone improvement plan,” ZIP codes are a group of five or nine numbers that designate a certain mailing area. According to the Postal Service’s 1963 statement, each number has a very specific meaning:
    • First: Identifies one of 10 large areas in the U.S.
    • Second: Indicates a state.
    • Third: Identifies a major destination within a state (such as a large city).
    • Fourth and fifth: Indicate either a postal delivery unit or a specific post office.

    The newer “ZIP+4” nine-digit code helps narrow down delivery within a ZIP code, such as to a specific apartment building, a city block, or perhaps an office building.

    Scuba: Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

    French explorer Jacques Cousteau teamed up with engineer Émile Gagnan in 1943 to develop the first Aqua-Lung, a fully automatic device with compressed air for diving. Today, we call this device a “self-contained underwater breathing apparatus,” or “scuba.” The acronym “scuba” has been around since the 1950s, but the word is so widely known that “scuba” is no longer written in all capital letters, and the acronym is now written as a regular word.

    GIF: Graphic Interchange Format

    Where would digital communication be without GIFs? Now a permanent fixture of social media and online messaging, GIFs are small images or looped videos that can express what we’re feeling better than we ever could with words. By definition, a GIF is a “a lossless format for image files that supports both animated and static images,” aka a fun way to communicate with friends, family, and co-workers — whether it’s a clip from a favorite television show, a cute animal, or a political blunder. This acronym has been around since the ’80s, but “GIF” is so mainstream that the Oxford American Dictionary chose it as their Word of the Year in 2012, citing its transformation from a pop culture trend to a real tool for journalism. Still up for debate: whether the acronym is pronounced “jiff” or “giff.”

  • WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 U5453491_20230813_005438.jpg?0.172WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 USA.gif?0.172
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    25,124 Posts
    Mon, Jan 30 2023 10:52 PM

    WORD GAMES PUZZLES , GIF's , ETC Pages 121 - 140 Acrony10DYK These Internet Acronyms?

    When it comes to internet acronyms, IYKYK (if you know, you know), but if you don’t, well, things can get pretty confusing. Made popular by fast-paced digital communication, these acronyms are here to stay (and the lexicon is constantly growing). We might remember with fondness the simple days of LOL and BRB, but we’ve moved on to more elaborate initialisms such as “ELI5” and “PEBKAC.” So, DYK (do you know) some of the most popular acronyms of today? If not, DW (don’t worry) — you soon will.


    “Your mileage may vary.” This is a clever way to say that the results, opinions, or experiences are different for everyone. The original phrase dates back to the 1970s and ’80s when auto manufacturers would promote their estimated mileage. Ads would state, “Your mileage may vary.” Today, the acronym can be seen on online reviews and chat forums. For example, “The battery life on my wireless headphones lasts through the work day, but YMMV.”


    For when you have no idea what’s going on: “ELI5,” or, “explain like I’m 5.” Literally, explain this to me as if I am a child. Aside from inserting some humor into what might be a frustrating situation, it’s a request for a simple explanation instead of a lengthy, complicated one. Like so many popular acronyms of today, ELI5 was born on Reddit (r/explainlikeimfive).


    The office IT support will be able to tell you that this one means, “problem exists between keyboard and chair,” meaning, the problem is the user. This is also a good way to poke fun at yourself after misreading an email or having a slow start to your Monday. (Another variation of this is “PIBKAC,” or “problem is between keyboard and chair”).


    As a favorite among journalists and social media gossip accounts, “ICYMI” means “in case you missed it.” This initialism is usually used with a sense of enthusiasm, as in, “ICYMI — The Biggest Wins on the Red Carpet.”


    “If I recall correctly” — This handy abbreviation has been recorded online since at least the early 1990s but is making a resurgence thanks to Reddit and other online forums. (A variation of this is “if I remember correctly”).


    This is a useful one if aiming to maintain friendships. “IMHO” means “in my humble opinion.” The related, and slightly better known, “IMO” stands for “in my opinion,” but that one might come off a little brash at times. It can also help determine facts from opinions in chat situations. (“In my honest opinion” is another variation of this).


    “As far as I know,” the budget meeting is still tomorrow. “AFAIK” is useful office lingo, but don’t mix it up with “AFAIC.” While equally useful, “as far as I’m concerned” has a much different context.


    Here’s the rare instance where punctuation is inserted into the internet abbreviation for the message that reads, “Too long; didn’t read.” This handy acronym can be used as an interjection or at the end of a very length message or article, just before a summary. For example, “TL;DR — We will be moving our weekly meetings to Tuesday.” In this usage, it’s easy for readers to skim down to a summary, but it’s also been adopted as a snarky response to an overly long explanation.


    “Fixed that for you.” This one can come off as genuine or rude, depending on its context. For example, if a friend tells the group chat, “The Beatles are the best band,” and you reply, “The Eagles. FTFY,” it’s generally understood that it’s good-natured teasing. This can also be used more literally when giving a coworker something that you revised, for example. Tread lightly with this acronym — it can sometimes be seen as aggressive, especially when correcting someone’s work.


    TFW it’s Friday! “That feeling when” is also related to “MFW,” or “my face when.” It’s a snappy and easily relatable intro for situations ranging from pre-vacation excitement to the dog chewing up a new pair of shoes. Typically, the acronym will be accompanied by an image, GIF, or emoji


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